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Randi-Mark's Mom
Thinking of you and your family. May u have a beautiful day in heaven Lisa.
Momma Duck & AV
♪ I will be loving you still ♪
Momma Duck & AV
♪How blue can I get? You could ask my heart But like a jigsaw puzzle it's been torn all apart Billion words couldn't say just how I feel A million years from now you know I'll be loving you still ♪
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God comfort you with His everlasting Blessings, peace, and glory along your heavenly journey. We miss you so much in our lives
Momma Duck & AV
♥ I will remember you...Will you remember me? Don't let your life pass you by...Weep not for the memories...Luv you Babe ♥
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
As you danced in the light with joy, love lifted you. As you brushed against this world so gently, you lifted us. ~T.C. Ring~ ~♥~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have a heavenly sweet night as you reach your mom's dreams and spend tender moments with her. May God keep you close to Mom.XO
Edwina~Troy Mitchells mum
Memories of you, we will always treasure. For in our hearts, you will live forever ♥
Colleen Carroll
When shadows fill our day, lead us to a place, guide us with your grace, give us faith so we'll be safe. ~♥~
dragan's dad
Candles in honor of memories ours loved ones is the best way to celebrate their lives...
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the blessings of Blessed Mother keep you gloriously happy and at peace along your journey and strengthen our hope to see you.
Randi-Mark's Mom
Thinking of you and your family. May you have a beautiful day in heaven sweet angel Lisa.
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