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Teri Drebit (Jaime's Mom)
In honor & remembrance of our precious Angels I light a candle for you sweet Lisa during the Worldwide Candle Lighting. Hugs
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Here in Texas Nicky will be sharing his candle as we honor you Precious Angels during the ☀Worldwide☀ Candle☀Lighting☀
If I could have one wish...missing you and wishing you were here..
cindi dana regans mom
Lisa stay close these are hard days n long nights missing our angels as we look at all the happy people and our hearts ache.</3
Randi-Mark's Mom
Thinking of you and your family always. Bless you sweet angel Lisa.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
All though it has been said that time heels all wounds~Some wounds are so deep that they never fully mend~God Bless
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty♥♥
Silent thoughts, tears unseen, wishing your absence was only a dream, thinking of you always Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Keeping Jesus as the reason for Christmas keeps our aching hearts filled with love & hope through the season
Libby mom of Elyse Cannon
Lisa what a cute Christmas picture of you guys. I hope for peace and joy during Christmas for your family missing you so much...
AV/Momma Duck..missin u ...♥
Hey Baby girl..thinkin of U always..there is so much I could say but not enuf room..we luv u & miss u more than ever...♥♥
Barb/Nicky's MOM to: Lisa
Star light,Star bright,first Star I see tonight,I wish I may,I wish I might,feel Lisa's presence in the still of the night.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
All the hustle & bustle of holiday preparations take place but our hearts are lost in another time another place missing you
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