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Barb/Nicky's MOM to: LIsa
Whatever the circumstances,whatever the call...His strength will be your strength in your hour of need.Love and God Bless
Momma Duck & AV
Sorry baby but we were trying 2 take care of some things. Hopefully u will be able to help us out maybe u already are..Luv U..♥♥♥♥♥
Wendy ^Y^ Kevin Conatty Fiance
When I loved one becomes a memory that memory becomes a treasure good night sweet angel hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Lisa if your growing even more beautiful in Heaven you must make lots of male Angels turn thier wings. Sending hugs to u and Mom
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Can u please put a pic of Lisa on Angie's page under Edit Page it says Angel Families. I'd appreciate it. Thanks
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
May those who miss u dearly be always blessed by ur loving presence & continued guidance to lead them thru each day that lies ahead
Mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Good night Lisa, sweet dreams in Heaven! Love 2 U and Ur family! ~HUGS~
Wendy ^Y^ Kevin Conatty Fiance
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay we miss you so Much Hugs Wendy and Sarah ♥♥
cindi dana regans mom
This angel made me think of you And all the thoughtful things you do. On my wall for all to see, my guardian angel watches over me.
Bette Timmy's mom
Good morning angel girl just stoppin by to show u sum luv and send u some kisses ♥♥♥ and luv to mom/av always & 4ever.
AV/Mom luv u honey ♥♥
Lisa..hope u & Travis were watchin over Nanci yesterday on her b-day..& stay close to the Tard cuz its almost baby time..♥♥
Melissa Eiler
Loved ones are forever with us. May God forever Bless you and your family. HUGS!!
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